Air purification
Circulating water spray humidifiers are also commonly called air washers.
The air purification effect is described in this way due to the fact that, within the air, up to 1,000 times more water is atomised than is absorbed by the air through evaporation.
Solid compounds like particulates, pollen, spores (allergens) and sulphur dioxides, nitrogen oxides and ozone are absorbed by these water masses to a considerable degree.
The situation is completely different with air humidification equipment operating on the basis of the continuous flow principle. A design-dependent attempt is made to atomise only as much water in the air as is required for the desired increase in humidity.
As a result, almost complete droplet evaporation can be expected.
All contaminants that the droplet has absorbed in contact with the air are discharged into the air again following complete evaporation. The wash-out effect of such systems can therefore be ignored.

Single-stage principle
The positive side effect of the air washer, the scrubbing out of the air, is the main objective.
Solid and gaseous compounds like particulates, pollen, spores (allergens) as well as sulphur dioxides, nitrogen oxides and ozone are absorbed to a considerable degree by this.
Thus, the air washer is not only used for scrubbing out NH3, but also as an AMC filtration stage in clean rooms for semiconductor production.

3 bar
Pressure range
100 – 2,000,000 m³/h
Air flow can be individually adaptable
Up to
separation rate possible

Multi-stage procedure
The positive side effect of the air washer, the scrubbing out of the air, is the main objective.
Solid and gaseous compounds like particulates, pollen, spores (allergens) as well as sulphur dioxides, nitrogen oxides and ozone are absorbed to a considerable degree by this. Thus, the air washer is not only used for scrubbing out NH3, but also as an AMC filtration stage in clean rooms for semiconductor production.
Multi-stage air washers are always used in circumstances where a very high level of air pollution is present and almost complete scrubbing is required simultaneously.
In this design, scrubbing occurs during several washing stages in combination with various additional components such as intermediate separators or expansion elements. A customer-specific design is then formed based on the requirements provided by the customer.

3 bar
Pressure range
100 – 2,000,000 m³/h
Air volume individually adjustable
Up to
separation rate possible
Agglomeration of aerosols and fluids

Up to
separation rate possible
100 – 2,000,000 m³/h
Air flow can be individually adaptable
Droplet size limit